Affiliate Tools

Hi and welcome to the King of Content 2 Affiliate Tools page...

King of Content 2 is an "evergreen" opportunity with no restrictive specific launch times. This means you can promote it on your blog, social media accounts and to your email list without worrying about it expiring in a few days.

Official Launch/Release Time:
Friday, May 17, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern.

Affiliate Platforms:
JVZoo and Warrior Plus

JVZoo Affiliate Sign-Up Page:

Warrior Plus Affiliate Sign-Up Page:

See the Sales Page for More Information:  <= JVZoo sales page  <= Warrior Plus sales page

Note:  The JVZoo and Warrior Plus sales pages are identical except for the pay buttons.

Price and Commissions:

There are three options for customers chose from on the sales page. The price structure for the three options is designed to optimize sales for the $22 option (most profitable).

$17.95 -  $10.77 your commission
$20.95 = $12.57 your commision
$22.00 =  $13.20 your commission

Automatic Approval for JVZoo Instant Payments:
100+ Sales
$500 in total sales revenue
8% maximum refund rate

If you meet all 3 of the above criteria, you should be automatically approved for instant payments.

Product Introduction:

King of Content 2 Extreme is the ultimate training and resource guide for creating a wide variety of high quality content and includes super potent fresh content software.

Suggested Email Subject Lines:

  • How to Revolutionize Your Content Creation
  • How to Create Fabulous Content on a Tight Budget
  • The Quickest & Easiest Ways to Create Tons of Quality Content
  • Secret Tips for Maximizing Your Content Creation
  • Really Boost Your Marketing With These Tips and Secrets
  • Fast and Easy Ways to Create High Quality Content


Here's a brand new special deal for's called the King of Content 2 and it's full of strategies, tricks, secrets and resources for creating a wide variety of content as quickly, easily and inexpensively as possible.

We all need good, high quality content. We use it to build websites and blogs. We need content for email newsletters and for reports to encourage people to join our email lists.

Sharing good content on social media improves engagement witch makes our reach a lot bigger.

In this unique and informative guide you'll find fast and easy tips for:

The most SEO friendly content? Why you should use questions and how to discover the very best questions.

Cheat Sheets - how to use Word to make them look great, plus quality cheat sheet resources.

How to make more money by optimizing your content to get the highest possible revenue from your AdSense clicks. There's a big difference between ranking in Google search and making sure your content pays you the most per click with AdSense.

Why "Co-Occurrence", not LSI, is essential for Google ranking and an exclusive method for finding the most potent co-occurrence keywords and phrases.

Plus three extremely beneficial resources for Reddit, Quora and Twitter few people know about to use for creating content about topics people really want to know.

This is just the "tip of the iceberg" and you're getting even more great strategies, tips and secrets. See for yourself and check it out here:


I really recommend the option that includes some really cool software called RSS Riot that is the best source for information I've seen in a long time. It finds and updates the highest quality information in all sorts of niches. The Internet Marketing resources alone are a must have and an essential secret resource for anyone interested in IM.

You owe it to yourself to check out the no-hype video that shows you what a wealth of useful information King of Content 2 truly is.



Your Name

PS. Everything is included. There's no upsells, downsells or other hassles. Just a really cool and useful collection of content info and resources at a really good price.


This is your new text content. You can modify this text, add more paragraph, change font style or add images by clicking the edit button.

Hi and welcome to the Public Domain Printshop Affiliate Tools page...

Public Domain PrintShop is an "evergreen" opportunity with no restrictive specific launch times.

Affiliate Platform:

Affiliate Sign-Up Page:

Price and Commissions:
 60% Commision
$10.17 your profit per sale

Automatic Approval for Instant Payments:
100+ Sales
$500 in total sales revenue
8% maximum refund rate

If you meet all 3 of the above criteria, you will be automatically approved for instant payments.

Product Introduction:

Public Domain PrintShop is a collection of high-quality reports.

The Public Domain Library report is a MASSIVE collection of public domain resources your folks can use to find a huge variety of assets they can use to create content and products, both digital and physical.

Also included are reports to help people create and sell their own "print on demand" products, including tee shirts and mugs. They'll learn how to create products and sell them on sites like Etsy and Amazon Merch.

The great thing about print on demand products is people can create and own their own products in a vast variety of niches. They require little or no upfront investment and people don't need to apply for affilliate programs or worry about being approved (or not).

See the Sales Page for More Information:

Suggested Email Subject Lines:

  • Revolutionize Your Revenue With This
  • How to Start a Fabulous Bussiness on a Tight Budget
  • The Quickest & Easiest Ways to Create Tons of Content & Products
  • Secrets to Starting (or Expanding) Your Very Own Bussiness
  • Boost Your Bank Account With This
  • Fast and Easy Ways to Create Your Own Products and Content
  • Discover Lots of Free Resources to Make Products

Email Swipe Files:


Here's something brand-new for everyone that wants to make more money...

It's called "Public Domain PrintShop" and it's a collection of reports that reveals a huge variety of public domain resources that you can legally use to create content and products.

You'll find tons of free public domain resources including:
✓ Books and magazines
✓ Software
✓ Videos
✓ Images, photos and clipart
✓ And lots more...

Plus, Public Domain PrintShop gives you tips, tricks and techniques for building your own "print on demand" business selling real products like tee shirts and mugs using FREE assets in the public domain.

A few benefits of print on demand products using public domain resources:
✓ You can create your own products in a vast variety of niches.
✓ You don't need to apply for affiliate programs.
✓ You don't need to spend any money to get started.
✓ No inventory needed.
✓ No risk.
✓ You can build a full time business or a money-making hobby, it's totally up to you.

Check out Public Domain PrintShop here:

You're not limited to printed products. Public Domain PrintShop also includes plenty of great ideas for using public domain content for creating digital products too. It's truly bursting with product creation ideas.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to build, grow and expand their profit making potential.

I've seen other public domain products sell for hundreds of dollars and they don't include nearly as many public domain resources as Public Domain PrintShop. Plus, those other products don't give you the tips, tricks and secrets for building your own print on demand business like Public Domain PrintShop does.

Plus, it's 100% complete. There's no upsells, downsells or hassles.

You really owe it to yourself to check out Public Domain PrintShop as soon as possible.


This is the content of the tab number 3. This is a text element and you can drag n drop other elements into this area.

This is the content of the tab number 4. This is a text element and you can drag n drop other elements into this area.

Thanks and really looking forward to working with you,

Kurt Melvin


Affiliate Tools

Hi and welcome to the King of Content 2 Affiliate Tools page...

King of Content 2 is an "evergreen" opportunity with no restrictive specific launch times. This means you can promote it on your blog, social media accounts and to your email list without worrying about it expiring in a few days.

Official Launch/Release Time:
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern.

Affiliate Platforms:
JVZoo and Warrior Plus

JVZoo Affiliate Sign-Up Page:

Warrior Plus Affiliate Sign-Up Page:

See the Sales Page for More Information:  <= JVZoo sales page  <= Warrior Plus sales page

Note:  The JVZoo and Warrior Plus sales pages are identical except for the pay buttons.

Price and Commissions:

There are three options for customers chose from on the sales page. The price structure for the three options is designed to optimize sales for the $22 option (most profitable).

$17.95 -  $10.77 your commission
$20.95 = $12.57 your commision
$22.00 =  $13.20 your commission

Automatic Approval for JVZoo Instant Payments:
100+ Sales
$500 in total sales revenue
8% maximum refund rate

If you meet all 3 of the above criteria, you should be automatically approved for instant payments.

Product Introduction:

King of Content 2 Extreme is the ultimate training and resource guide for creating a wide variety of high quality content and includes super potent fresh content software.

Suggested Email Subject Lines:

  • How to Revolutionize Your Content Creation
  • How to Create Fabulous Content on a Tight Budget
  • The Quickest & Easiest Ways to Create Tons of Quality Content
  • Secret Tips for Maximizing Your Content Creation
  • Really Boost Your Marketing With These Tips and Secrets
  • Fast and Easy Ways to Create High Quality Content


Here's a brand new special deal for's called the King of Content 2 and it's full of strategies, tricks, secrets and resources for creating a wide variety of content as quickly, easily and inexpensively as possible.

We all need good, high quality content. We use it to build websites and blogs. We need content for email newsletters and for reports to encourage people to join our email lists.

Sharing good content on social media improves engagement witch makes our reach a lot bigger.

In this unique and informative guide you'll find fast and easy tips for:

The most SEO friendly content? Why you should use questions and how to discover the very best questions.

Cheat Sheets - how to use Word to make them look great, plus quality cheat sheet resources.

How to make more money by optimizing your content to get the highest possible AdSense clicks. There's a big difference between ranking in Googgle search and making sure your content pays you the most per click with AdSense.

Why "Co-Occurrence", not LSI, is essential for Google ranking and my exclusive method for finding the most potent co-occurrence keywords and phrases.

Plus three extremely beneficial resources for Reddit, Quora and Twitter few people know about to use for creating content about things people really want to know.

This is just the "tip of the ice berg" and you're getting even more. See for yourself and check it out here:


I really recommend the option that includes some really cool software called RSS Riot that is the best source for information I've seen in a long time. It finds and updates the highest quality information in all sorts of niches. The Internet Marketing resources alone are a must have and an essential secret resource for anyone interested in IM.

Check out the no-hype video that shows you what a wealth of information it truly is.



Your Name

PS. Everything is included. There's no upsells, downsells or other hassles. Just a really cool and useful collection of content info and resources at a really good price.


This is your new text content. You can modify this text, add more paragraph, change font style or add images by clicking the edit button.

Hi and welcome to the Public Domain Printshop Affiliate Tools page...

Public Domain PrintShop is an "evergreen" opportunity with no restrictive specific launch times.

Affiliate Platform:

Affiliate Sign-Up Page:

Price and Commissions:
 60% Commision
$10.17 your profit per sale

Automatic Approval for Instant Payments:
100+ Sales
$500 in total sales revenue
8% maximum refund rate

If you meet all 3 of the above criteria, you will be automatically approved for instant payments.

Product Introduction:

Public Domain PrintShop is a collection of high-quality reports.

The Public Domain Library report is a MASSIVE collection of public domain resources your folks can use to find a huge variety of assets they can use to create content and products, both digital and physical.

Also included are reports to help people create and sell their own "print on demand" products, including tee shirts and mugs. They'll learn how to create products and sell them on sites like Etsy and Amazon Merch.

The great thing about print on demand products is people can create and own their own products in a vast variety of niches. They require little or no upfront investment and people don't need to apply for affilliate programs or worry about being approved (or not).

See the Sales Page for More Information:

Suggested Email Subject Lines:

  • Revolutionize Your Revenue With This
  • How to Start a Fabulous Bussiness on a Tight Budget
  • The Quickest & Easiest Ways to Create Tons of Content & Products
  • Secrets to Starting (or Expanding) Your Very Own Bussiness
  • Boost Your Bank Account With This
  • Fast and Easy Ways to Create Your Own Products and Content
  • Discover Lots of Free Resources to Make Products

Email Swipe Files:


Here's something brand-new for everyone that wants to make more money...

It's called "Public Domain PrintShop" and it's a collection of reports that reveals a huge variety of public domain resources that you can legally use to create content and products.

You'll find tons of free public domain resources including:
✓ Books and magazines
✓ Software
✓ Videos
✓ Images, photos and clipart
✓ And lots more...

Plus, Public Domain PrintShop gives you tips, tricks and techniques for building your own "print on demand" business selling real products like tee shirts and mugs using FREE assets in the public domain.

A few benefits of print on demand products using public domain resources:
✓ You can create your own products in a vast variety of niches.
✓ You don't need to apply for affiliate programs.
✓ You don't need to spend any money to get started.
✓ No inventory needed.
✓ No risk.
✓ You can build a full time business or a money-making hobby, it's totally up to you.

Check out Public Domain PrintShop here:

You're not limited to printed products. Public Domain PrintShop also includes plenty of great ideas for using public domain content for creating digital products too. It's truly bursting with product creation ideas.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to build, grow and expand their profit making potential.

I've seen other public domain products sell for hundreds of dollars and they don't include nearly as many public domain resources as Public Domain PrintShop. Plus, those other products don't give you the tips, tricks and secrets for building your own print on demand business like Public Domain PrintShop does.

Plus, it's 100% complete. There's no upsells, downsells or hassles.

You really owe it to yourself to check out Public Domain PrintShop as soon as possible.


This is the content of the tab number 3. This is a text element and you can drag n drop other elements into this area.

This is the content of the tab number 4. This is a text element and you can drag n drop other elements into this area.

Thanks and really looking forward to working with you,

Kurt Melvin