Avatar Pro
Special Streamlined Lite and Fast Version
from Kurt Melvin

This is the "streamlined" version. It has all 275 animated images, but I took out some of the versions like .mov which are HUGE and not needed by many.

Since I bought resale rights, I also lowered the price so you only pay for what you want.

The best part is, you're also getting membership to the Video Marketing Forum at Pheeds.com with all sorts of valuable info, links and downloads for video marketers.

After your purchase you'll be taken to the Pheeds Phorum where you can download Avatar Pro and join us in the Video for Marketin forum.

IMPORTANT: You only get access to the Pheeds.com Video for Marketin forum if you buy the streamlined version from me using the order button below.


Pheeds Video for Marketing Private Membship
275+ Animations (GIF format only)
200+ Static Avatars (PNG and AI formats only)

For more information and options including more formats
and resell rights, please visit:

Avatar Pro Full Versions

Remember, you won't get Pheeds Video Marketing forum access
if you buy from the links above...

Thanks and take care,

Kurt Melvin


Avatar Pro
Special Lite and Fast Version
from Kurt Melvin

Avatar Pro Fast and Lite

275+ Animations (GIF format only)
200+ Static Avatars (PNG and AI formats only)

For more information and options including resell rights, please visit:
Avatar Pro Full Versions

Thanks and take care,

Kurt Melvin