Advanced Print on Demand Etsy Strategies Made Easy.
What is POD Treasure Maps?
It's a combination of:
Why Have a Print on Demand Business?
Be the BIG fish in the Etsy treasure hunt.
My Exclusive Track, Stack or Backtrack System is straight-to-the-point and makes it easy to track results so you can see for yourself what works and what doesn't.
A major part of POD Treasure Maps is showing you how to be your own Etsy SEO ranking expert and not depend on outside sources.
The Track, Stack or Backtrack System gives you four options, based on your actual results. Easy.
How, What and Why to Test - See for yourself what works and what doesn't with logical and common sense tips to unearth Etsy's ranking priorities.
My secret Ninja Etsy SEO Advantage - This strategy will make you an Etsy SEO expert. All you have to do is do it. This really is a mighty advantage and will give you insights that even your toughest competition likely doesn't have.
Probable/Possible Esty Ranking Factors - A good reference for Etsy search info.
Also included is a special print-out form to help you record the results of your efforts.
Testing different keywords and SEO strategies is a GIGANTIC advantage. Tweaking, testing and tracking various ranking factors multiplies your odds of hitting a winning product. If you list a product, then try 5 (or more) strategic SEO changes, this simple act gives you a total 6 chances for improvement.
If you make a change and it helps keep it and try to beat it. If a change hurts your rankings, change it back and try another. Think your competition is doing the same?
You're getting specific examples and strategies for testing keywords and changes, as well as the reasons for them. isour new text content. You can modify this text, add more paragraph, change font style or add images by clicking the edit bton.
It's much MUCH easier to learn how to rank on Etsy than it is for Google. One reason is, there's no "off page" SEO needed. It's all about keyword relevancy and engagement (sales, clicks, etc.)., not links.
The Competition on Etsy is Weak
Most sellers are creators not marketers.
Etsy sellers generally aren't marketers. By doing research and tweaking and testing you'll gain a gigantic advantage over your competition, making you the great white shark of Etsy niches.
Not Limited to Etsy
Your POD empire is just getting started.
While a good part of the of the keywords and strategies are specific to Etsy much of the info and resources included can be used for selling products on Amazon, eBay, Shopify, WooCommerce and more.
You'll Increase Your Productivity by 22.8%
Just by Using These Custom Printouts
A recent study by Harvard University found that just by keeping a daily log of activities makes a person 22.8% more efficient.
That's huge!
So to give you the very best chance for success, included in your POD Treasure Maps download
are a collection of extremely useful printouts to help you become much more productive.
Your extra-handy printouts include:
Go at your own pace.
If you don't have time every day, do 3 things weekly.
It's simple. Just keep filling up your printouts, making positive and consistent progress.
Save Big Money: Special Bonus Report Included
My Choice for the Very Best Value for Creating POD Products
It isn't easy finding quality fonts and stock images at a reasonable price
that also include licenses that allow you to use them on Print On Demand products.
After literally years and years of searching,
I share with you my pick for the absolute best value for POD product creators.
This site has lots of free stuff just for signing up (free) and great deals where you can get
professional fonts and high-quality images for a just few pennies each.
Plus I'll show you some easy money-saving tricks I use to get even better deals.
Note: I am NOT an affiliate for this site or connected with them in any way.
I just believe it’s the best graphics value for POD product designers because of
a combination of their prices, quality and their usage license.
You're saving all the time and hassle it took me to find this amazing resource.
100% Pure Power: The Big List of Etsy Treasure Keywords
Included are lists of literally THOUSANDS of keywords in 9 vital categories, that you can mix and match them to generate almost unlimited combinations.
These keywords are the starting points for your keyword research. Using your training and an essential resource, you'll unearth the most powerful keywords for your POD business.
They are the absolute most valuable keywords for Print on Demand (POD) business owners, specifically customized for Etsy.
Bar none.
I highly recommend a third-party Etsy SEO and keyword tool that's $10 a month for keyword research. I'll give you more details in your reports and it has a free version you can use and test while you're getting started.
Understanding how to uncover and capitalize on the best keywords has a couple of really potent and essential benefits:
I really think when you see these lists of keywords why they are so vital and important for your business.
Thanks for your time and take care,
Kurt Melvin
Advanced Print on Demand Etsy Strategies Made Easy.
What is POD Treasure Maps?
It's a combination of:
Why Have a Print on Demand Business?
Be the BIG fish in the Etsy treasure hunt.
My Exclusive Track, Stack or Backtrack System is straight-to-the-point and makes it easy to track results so you can see for yourself what works and what doesn't.
A major part of POD Treasure Maps is showing you how to be your own Etsy SEO ranking expert and not depend on outside sources.
The Track, Stack or Backtrack System gives you four options, based on your actual results. Easy.
How, What and Why to Test - See for yourself what works and what doesn't with logical and common sense tips to unearth Etsy's ranking priorities.
My secret Ninja Etsy SEO Advantage - This strategy will make you an Etsy SEO expert. All you have to do is do it. This really is a mighty advantage and will give you insights that even your toughest competition likely doesn't have.
Probable/Possible Esty Ranking Factors - A good reference for Etsy search info.
Also included is a special print-out form to help you record the results of your efforts.
Testing different keywords and SEO strategies is a GIGANTIC advantage. Tweaking, testing and tracking various ranking factors multiplies your odds of hitting a winning product. If you list a product, then try 5 (or more) strategic SEO changes, this simple act gives you a total 6 chances for improvement.
If you make a change and it helps keep it and try to beat it. If a change hurts your rankings, change it back and try another. Think your competition is doing the same?
You're getting specific examples and strategies for testing keywords and changes, as well as the reasons for them. isour new text content. You can modify this text, add more paragraph, change font style or add images by clicking the edit bton.
It's much MUCH easier to learn how to rank on Etsy than it is for Google. One reason is, there's no "off page" SEO needed. It's all about keyword relevancy and engagement (sales, clicks, etc.)., not links.
The Competition on Etsy is Weak
Most sellers are creators not marketers.
Etsy sellers generally aren't marketers. By doing research and tweaking and testing you'll gain a gigantic advantage over your competition, making you the great white shark of Etsy niches.
Not Limited to Etsy
Your POD empire is just getting started.
While a good part of the of the keywords and strategies are specific to Etsy much of the info and resources included can be used for selling products on Amazon, eBay, Shopify, WooCommerce and more.
You'll Increase Your Productivity by 22.8%
Just by Using These Custom Printouts
A recent study by Harvard University found that just by keeping a daily log of activities makes a person 22.8% more efficient.
That's huge!
So to give you the very best chance for success, included in your POD Treasure Maps download
are a collection of extremely useful printouts to help you become much more productive.
Your extra-handy printouts include:
Go at your own pace.
If you don't have time every day, do 3 things weekly.
It's simple. Just keep filling up your printouts, making positive and consistent progress.
Save Big Money: Special Bonus Report Included
My Choice for the Very Best Value for Creating POD Products
It isn't easy finding quality fonts and stock images at a reasonable price
that also include licenses that allow you to use them on Print On Demand products.
After literally years and years of searching,
I share with you my pick for the absolute best value for POD product creators.
This site has lots of free stuff just for signing up (free) and great deals where you can get
professional fonts and high-quality images for a just few pennies each.
Plus I'll show you some easy money-saving tricks I use to get even better deals.
Note: I am NOT an affiliate for this site or connected with them in any way.
I just believe it’s the best graphics value for POD product designers because of
a combination of their prices, quality and their usage license.
You're saving all the time and hassle it took me to find this amazing resource.
100% Pure Power: The Big List of Etsy Treasure Keywords
Included are lists of literally THOUSANDS of keywords in 9 vital categories, that you can mix and match them to generate almost unlimited combinations.
These keywords are the starting points for your keyword research. Using your training and an essential resource, you'll unearth the most powerful keywords for your POD business.
They are the absolute most valuable keywords for Print on Demand (POD) business owners, specifically customized for Etsy.
Bar none.
I highly recommend a third-party Etsy SEO and keyword tool that's $10 a month for keyword research. I'll give you more details in your reports and it has a free version you can use and test while you're getting started.
Understanding how to uncover and capitalize on the best keywords has a couple of really potent and essential benefits:
I really think when you see these lists of keywords why they are so vital and important for your business.
Thanks for your time and take care,
Kurt Melvin